Friday, June 21, 2013

An Open Letter to My Mom and Other Angry 'Pro-Life' Catholics

Preface: Just gonna throw this out there, since I doubt I'll finish this draft. If I update it, I'll link back.

So when the rant end mid-screech, don't complain.

Stream of consciousness

This will be almost a literal stream of thoughts. No bitching.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Iron Man 3 Review

I told Brandon that I'd get this written, and so now I feel some pressure to.  Crap, pressure, man...

In a sense, you can look at each of the Iron Man movies as moments of personal growth for Tony Stark.  Iron Man 3 continues that trend nicely.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

General Social Media Disclaimer

Because it's obviously FAR too much of a hassle to have this on every social media site (and let's be honest, some of them are just draconian about how long you can be, assholes).

 My General Social Media Disclaimer